
Thursday 29 October 2015

Betrayal at Calth - better pictures (Update: more!)

Howdy Guys and Girls :)

Now we finally have better pictures from Betrayal at Calth - enjoy it. Thanks @


Pricing should be 150 dollars afaik

Lady Atia

Update: thanks @

thanks @ Olis:


  1. Forgive me for being a Debbie Downer, but in contrast to how detailed the sprues appear to be, the assembled tac marines look awfully uninspiring - almost like snap fit models :/

    This was going to be my big buy-in to 30k, but I might hold out for Alpha Legion Seeker Squads and do a small resin strike force instead.

    1. GW studio, always manage to present the models in the worst light on the box art. If I was you, I would wait until better pictures are out.

    2. Same happened with the centurions but now look at how many people own a squad.

    3. I own three full squads. 😀

  2. boo hoo;
    this is contrast to the budget to get all that from FW is a bargain ^^

  3. Also, in case you are interested in the lore:

    Aethon is the Captain of the 19th Company.

    Kurtha Sedd was the Dark Apostle from the Censure Audio Drama :D

    1. Off to listen to Censure again :)

    2. And Aethon is in Know No Fear - one the people who come rescue Ventanus at the end I think!

    3. yeah, i think Aethon was also the one who would have become Tetrarch of Calth .... if Calth wouldn't have been Lorgar'd^^

  4. Nice!

    Thanks for the info, as always. ;)

  5. You legend. Thanks Atia.

    The Sprues look great. The Cataphractii legs do not seem to have lost much detail. Could have done with a more dynamic Contemptor but that's it.

  6. That set looks amazing! Interesting that transfers are supplied for an Ultramarine Chaplain and a Word Bearers Terminator Praetor. That's really handy.

    Thanks for the photos BTW!

  7. The White Consuls have a battle barge named the 'Aethon' in one of the collected stories of the Space Marine Battles "Fateweaver". Perhaps this Aethon was the founding father of this chapter.

    But this Kurtha Sedd is a truly malevolent character. He treats his underlings as disposable fodder 'for the Greater Evil'. Haha! Cheers.

    1. Possible. Aethon was the Ultramarines 19th company captain present at Calth. He was also the man Guilliman was considering for becoming 'Tetrarch' of Calth. Cool that they picked such an important Ultramarine character without Forgeworld rules to get his own miniature this way.

  8. It is Hex based! Wow. . . Got any pics of the board itself?

  9. So all is revealed.

    Hex or board based has the possibility of GW having a 30k game alongside a large scale FW 30k game with the miniatures being interchangeable. More expansions could add more miniatures and tiles.

    Miniatures, titles, special dice, tokens sounds like a Heresy Imperial Assault. This option would make everyone happy as nothing is taken away from existing systems.

  10. Also, we should get the hardback versions of The Honoured and Unburdened in november too, both are Calth anthologies afaik^^

  11. And yet we were told GW would not "steal" anymore FW designs.

    1. Whisky they "steal" more lol plastic Sicarans would be amazing!

    2. The rumour was that FW struggle to keep up with the rate they fly off the shelves.

  12. That is a nice transfer sheet. Supplements the big ones from Forge World quite well, and even gives us the Twisting Rune, a chapter that the Word Bearers big sheet doesn't cover.

  13. Well, this leaves me a in pickle!

    £95 for what would normally cost ~£350 (according to is a good deal! Except ...

    Given that I'm a Space Wolves player, my 30k legion is clearly going to be Vlka Fenryka. But to what extent will it be possible to take these icon-independent legionnaires and turn them into Vlka's? Given that Forgeworld's stance for not doing Vlka's to date (along with Thousand Sons) is reportedly the variance between them and the 'regular' legions - I suspect the answer would be not very well.

    So, do I buy it now but leave it unopened (on the basis that it may be limited edition, may go up in price, etc)? Do I take the plunge and paint up some grey coloured legionnaires - in the hope that I'll be able to go back later and convert them, and still do a good job! Or do I wait patiently, and hope that once the wolves do get some attention - the boxset is still available (if it is proven that they can be converted)?

    1. you can use all FW upgrade parts on the tactical marines - they are made like a normal 40k tactical squad box, so you can add FW chests/shoulder-pads/heads without problems ^^

      if you like the look of Mark IV and want to have the basic parts for your Vlka Fenryka - go with the box - it's a pretty good deal :)

    2. Just mix and match with the GW wolves bits, looks really good. That's what I've been doing to get my VI legion on the March

    3. Yep, that makes sense (and as you say Atia, it is a good deal!)

      There's still two things that are on my mind though - firstly, I'm not a huge fan of the MkIV (backpacks especially); and secondly, I'm unclear what aesthetic to go for with them. In the 41st millennium, it's clearly the feral, wolf thing. But what about their time as the Emperor's Executioners? How wild would their appearance have been?

  14. That box would practically cover all of the infantry I need to complete my IF army, I would just need to buy shields to make the phalanx warders and another breacher squad, leaving one of them as a tactical squad (sadly the lack of mkIII means I'll have to sell one kidney to get my squad of templar brethren and a heavy weapons squad), and while I already have a contemptor and a terminator squad, they are units that are always welcome. And that chaplain is one hell of a sexy mini! If I managed to get another one, it would make a great standard bearer...

  15. Finally this is what I've been after to get my main units for my Salamanders!! Add a few shoulder pads and torso upgrades and job done!! Cant wait for November!!!

  16. I can't wait to get my hands on this, it will bulk up my Raven Guard nicely.
